Labia minora (small pubic lips) are two fine skin tissues “hidden” under labia majora (large pubic lips) at the both sides of the vaginal entrance. In their upper part there is clitoris. The colour and the size of the labia minora are in any woman different. Sometimes they are nearly invisible, other time they can become large and stick out. The enormal size of labia minora is not only a burden from the esthetic point of view but it often causes unpleasant feelings when walking, riding a bicycle or other physical activities. Sometimes even a sexual enjoyment is lower due to this defect. Sometimes labia minora can be asymmetric, i.e. one lip of a normal size, the other is enlarged (hypertrophic) or vice versa considerably smaller (hypoplastic). Fortunately, this defect, thanks to a small surgical intervention call labiaplasty, can be rectified.
Labia minora reduction
Before the surgery the patient must undergo preoperational examination including blood collection, EKG and examination by the attending physian. The intervention is done under the general anaestesia because it is relatively painful. On the dayof surgery you must not eat, drink nor smoke (at least 8 hours before the anaestesia). The intervention is performed always immediately before the menstruation. After removal of the superfluous tissue you will have rest for some hours in the bed and when the intervention has passed off without complicatios you are going to be yet on the intervention day discharged for the home care. It is highly recommended that you have an acompaninment and the transfer by car. It must be taken into account that the rest of anaesthetics remains in you organism for some hours and they can lead to reducing your attention. Therefore, the woman after anaesthesia must not drive a motor car for the whole day! It is also inappropriate to travel by public transport means.
The operated posts after the intervention should be made cold with ice to avoid swellings and bleeding. The first two weeks no cosmetic can be used but special disinfection and calming solution, water or baby soap, only. For the period of two weeks it is better not to put on underwear or trousers and to prefer wearing skirts. As the operated spots are sensible and swollen and more over there is a risk of hurting the operating spot it is recommended to abstain from intercourse within one month after the surgery.
Stitches are self-absorbable.
This surgery is a cosmetic performance therefore it is not covered form the means of the public health insurance.
Vaginoplasty (vaginal orifice narroving, plastic modification of the vaginal orifice after bad healing of birth wounds)
This type of surgery intervention is required mainly by women after the birth. It is a smaller surgery intervention when under the general patient´s anaestesia a part of the mucuous membrane of the rear vaginal wall is cut off in a form of a triangle where its base leads to the vaginal orifice. After stitching this area of the through the birth extended vagina will be tightened. With this performance the perineum plasty (a piece of skin between the vaginal entrance and anus) is simultaneously performed because it is in the most cases sunken and sometimes deformed after the birth. Through the cutting of the opposite of the skin triangle the perineum will after stitching become higher and even. The incision at the end is in the middle line of the perineum and therefore it cannot deform it. Stitches are self-absorbent. Owing to the fact that the surgery is done under the general anaestesia it is required that you undergo preoperation examination by your attentidng physician (EKG, blood collection) or it is possible to agree on this examination also in our clinic. At least 8 hours before the intervention you must not eat, drink nor smoke. The intervention is always done immediately after the menstruation. After removal of the superfluous tissue you will have rest for some hours in bed and when the intervention has passed off without any complicatios you are going to be yet on the intervention day discharged for the home care. It is highly recommended that you have an acompaninment and the transfer by car. It must be taken into account that the rest of anaesthetics remains in you organism for some hours and they can lead to reducing your attention. Therefore, the woman after anaesthesia must not drive a motor car for the whole day! It is also inappropriate to travel by public transport means.The operated sposts after the intervention should be made cold with ice in order to avoid swellings and bleeding. The first two weeks no cosmetic can be used but special disinfection and calming solution, water or baby soap, only. As the operated spots are sensible and swollen and more over there is a risk of hurting the operated spot it is recommended to abstain from intercourse within one month after the surgery. Sick leave lasts about 14 days. This operation is a cosmetic performance therefore it is not covered from the means of the public health insurance.
Hymenoplasty, restoration of hymen
During this surgery the hymen is restorated. The performance is not covered from the means of the public health insurance. The surgery is done under the general anaestesia. The clients who have not reached 40 years of age and are not treated for any disease will not be, because of short time of the intervention, asked for the preoperational examination. It is necessary to abstain from the sexual intercource for six weeks and simultaneously to maintain strict hygiene.