Order + Results + E-prescriptions call after 12am:   +420 266 083 240, +420 737 289 500, +420 266 083 239
Patients from Ukraine  +420 704 979 688
Office hours: Mon, Tue: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Wed, Thu: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

The genetic examination is performed due to diagnostic and prevention of occurrence of hereditary diseases. It is performed preventively in order to exclude genetic disturbances, in the cases of a suspicious genetically conditioned disease, in order to find out the carrierness of certain gens and determination of the probabilities of their transfer to descendants.

This test is mainly intended for:

The aim of the genetic examination is:
  • To recognize representation of the hereditary component in the disease origin (diagnosis)
  • To estimate progress of the disease and of the risk of its transfer to other family members (prognosis)
  • To suggest measures for the risk reduction (profylaxis)

Genetic analysis of the thrombosis origin

What is the thromobisis like?

The thrombosis is a process of coagulation during the formation of a thrombus. In arteries it results in a restriction of blood supplies (ischemia) of the area in question, in veins it can make worse blood discharge (see venostasis).

The genetic test is reasonable if:
  • you have undergone vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism
  • you have endured myocardial infarction or brain stroke in your younger age
  • some of your blood relatives (mainly siblings, parents and grandparents) suffered from vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism
  • your direct blood related (a parent, a sibling) suffered from myocardial infarction and/or brain stroke in their younger age
You are a woman and:
  • take hormonal contraception or substitutive hormonal therapy
  • you have had repeatedly spontaneous miscarriage
  • you are not succeeding to get pregnant with your partner and there is an assisted  fertilization planned
  • in your pregnany some of the following complications have occurred: premature placenta separation, placenta infarction,  pre-eclampsia (raised blood pressure and kidney failure), delayed growth of the foetus, cleft spin and spinal marrow failures in the foetus, foetus necrosis)

Genetic analysis for women

  • complex genetic analysis on the base of the newest knowledge of the molecular genetics specially fo the female organism and for the most frequent “female diseases”
  • can help to choose suitability of using HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION or SUBSTITUTION for your organism
  • valuates your inclinations to inflammation diseases
  • detects your congenital inclinations for the so-called lifestyle diseases of the present time:


  • thrombosis
  • atherosclerosis
  • hypertension (hig blood pressure)
  • myocard infarction
  • brain stroke


  • Breast and ovarian cancer


  • diabetes mellitus type 2
  • obesity
  • osteoporosis (bone thinning out and fragility)

Genetic analysis for men

  • is a preditictive genetic analysisi aimed at men and brings a unique possibility to make for yourselves and your organism something more – raise your life quality and maintain your health
  • detects your congenital inclinations for the so-called lifestyle diseases of the present time:


  • thrombosis
  • atherosclerosis
  • hypertension (hig blood pressure)
  • myocard infarction
  • brain stroke


  • diabetes mellitus type 2
  • obesity
  • osteoporosis (bone thinning out and fragility)


  • rostate cancer

Oncogenetic tests for women BRCA 1, 2

Breast carcinoma belongs to the most frequent malignant tumor diseases and its incidence in our country in the last years has been rising. Carcinomas of ovaries and Fallopian tubes represent about 15 per cent of all the malignant tumors in women. The risk of origins of the both   malignits is increased with age, the most frequent incidence is between the 50th and 60th year of life, however, in case of genetic inclinations much earlier, after the 30th year of life, already. In 5 – 10 percent of all breast carcinomas it is a case of the so-called syndrome of hereditytary breast and ovary carcinoma caused by the congenital mutation in BRCA (BreastCancerAssociated) genes.
Genes BRCA are tumor suppressor genes (they prevent uncontrollable cell division) and their products take part with other ones in repairing the damage in the double helix DNA.

As a result of the examination it is a confirmation of the presence or alternatively absence of the tested mutation. This examination can be, after the consultation of the clinic geneticist, indicated to persons more than 18 years old.



In accordance with the declaration of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic foreign female patients from EU may undergo an artificial abortion here, which means that also in our MEDA gynaecologic clinic.


Doctor´s office:
Budínova 67/2
180 00 Praha 8 -Libeň

Office hours:
Monday, Thuesday        8:00 - 16:00
Wednesday, Thursday   8:00 - 18:00
Friday                            8:00 - 15:00

until further notice

+420 266 083 239
+420 266 083 240
+420 737 289 500
Patients from Ukraine
+420 704 979 688

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