The genetic examination is performed due to diagnostic and prevention of occurrence of hereditary diseases. It is performed preventively in order to exclude genetic disturbances, in the cases of a suspicious genetically conditioned disease, in order to find out the carrierness of certain gens and determination of the probabilities of their transfer to descendants.
This test is mainly intended for:
- To recognize representation of the hereditary component in the disease origin (diagnosis)
- To estimate progress of the disease and of the risk of its transfer to other family members (prognosis)
- To suggest measures for the risk reduction (profylaxis)
Genetic analysis of the thrombosis origin
What is the thromobisis like?
The thrombosis is a process of coagulation during the formation of a thrombus. In arteries it results in a restriction of blood supplies (ischemia) of the area in question, in veins it can make worse blood discharge (see venostasis).
- you have undergone vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism
- you have endured myocardial infarction or brain stroke in your younger age
- some of your blood relatives (mainly siblings, parents and grandparents) suffered from vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism
- your direct blood related (a parent, a sibling) suffered from myocardial infarction and/or brain stroke in their younger age
- take hormonal contraception or substitutive hormonal therapy
- you have had repeatedly spontaneous miscarriage
- you are not succeeding to get pregnant with your partner and there is an assisted fertilization planned
- in your pregnany some of the following complications have occurred: premature placenta separation, placenta infarction, pre-eclampsia (raised blood pressure and kidney failure), delayed growth of the foetus, cleft spin and spinal marrow failures in the foetus, foetus necrosis)
Genetic analysis for women
- complex genetic analysis on the base of the newest knowledge of the molecular genetics specially fo the female organism and for the most frequent “female diseases”
- can help to choose suitability of using HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION or SUBSTITUTION for your organism
- valuates your inclinations to inflammation diseases
- detects your congenital inclinations for the so-called lifestyle diseases of the present time:
- thrombosis
- atherosclerosis
- hypertension (hig blood pressure)
- myocard infarction
- brain stroke
- Breast and ovarian cancer
- diabetes mellitus type 2
- obesity
- osteoporosis (bone thinning out and fragility)
Genetic analysis for men
- is a preditictive genetic analysisi aimed at men and brings a unique possibility to make for yourselves and your organism something more – raise your life quality and maintain your health
- detects your congenital inclinations for the so-called lifestyle diseases of the present time:
- thrombosis
- atherosclerosis
- hypertension (hig blood pressure)
- myocard infarction
- brain stroke
- diabetes mellitus type 2
- obesity
- osteoporosis (bone thinning out and fragility)
- rostate cancer
Oncogenetic tests for women BRCA 1, 2
As a result of the examination it is a confirmation of the presence or alternatively absence of the tested mutation. This examination can be, after the consultation of the clinic geneticist, indicated to persons more than 18 years old.